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Today's Word

Yesterday's Word




    What to give to the person who has everything? Give the gift of words.
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arborescent (ahr-buh-RES-uhnt) adjective

Having the size, form, or characteristics of a tree; treelike.

[Latin arborescens, arborescent-, present participle of arborescere, to grow to be a tree, from arbor, tree.]

"Because he considers creation in the image of God to be the ultimate pedestal, (Stephen Jay) Gould judges Darwinism to be the ultimate pedestal-smasher because it proves that humans are merely `a fortuitous cosmic afterthought, a tiny little twig on the enormously arborescent bush of life.'" Jonathan Wells, The Retreating Revolutionary, The World & I, 1 Mar 1996.

This week's theme: words about trees.


Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for others. -Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968)

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“We’re all surrounded by words like air, and we all need them even though they are often invisible, just like air.”

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