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Today's Word

Yesterday's Word




    What to give to the person who has everything? Give the gift of words.
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chad (chad) noun

Small pieces of paper or cardboard generated by punching holes in paper tape or data cards.

[Origin unknown.]

Chad (chad)

A country of north-central Africa. Formerly part of French Equatorial Africa, it became independent in 1960. Ndjamena is the capital and the largest city.

"A key complaint centers on chad - tiny pieces of paper punched out of the ballot when a voter sticks the punch-pin through the proper space."
Mannies, Many Concerned About Sloppy Voting Procedures, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 17 Mar 1997.

This week's theme: words for everyday things and anatomical features.


You will find that silence or very gentle words are the most exquisite revenge for insult. -Judge Hall

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