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Today's Word

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collage (kuh-LAZH, koh-) noun

A form of art where various disparate objects are assembled together.

[From French collage (gluing), from coller (to glue), from colle (glue), from Vulgar Latin colla, from Greek kolla (glue). The words protocol and collagen have the same parentage.]

"The authors argue that their book is meant to illuminate the human impact of war by presenting a collage of images, figures, and text, based on the latest research findings, 'that cover... 59 wars that took place within 48 locations'."
Dina Ezzat; Reliving the Legend; Al-Ahram Weekly (Cairo, Egypt); Nov 25, 2004.

"A collage of their life together is pasted on Hendrickson's apartment wall in Ballard."
Tan Vinh; Seniors No Longer Alone For Holiday; Seattle Times; Nov 24, 2004.

This week's theme: Words related to art


To know how to say what others only know how to think is what makes men poets or sages; and to dare to say what others only dare to think makes men martyrs or reformers - or both. -Elizabeth Charles, writer (1828-1896)

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