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A.Word.A.Day--jugularjugular (JUG-uh-luhr) adjective Of or pertaining to the neck or throat. noun 1. A jugular vein 2. The most important or vulnerable part of something. [From Late Latin jugularis, from Latin jugulum (collarbone, throat), from Latin jugum (yoke). Ultimately from the Indo-European root yeug- (to join), which is also the ancestor of junction, yoke, yoga, adjust, juxtapose, rejoinder, and junta.]
"Contrary to Survivor's scheming, the world of business demands a spirit
of cooperation and congratulation, not envy and go-for-the-jugular
ruthlessness." This week's theme: words for body parts that are used metaphorically.
X-BonusFew things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him. -Booker T. Washington, reformer, educator, and author (1856-1915) |
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