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Today's Word

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polyonymous (pol-ee-ON-uh-muhs) adjective

Having or known by many names.

[From Greek polyonymos, from poly- (many) + -onyma (name).]

"She (Hecate) protects roads and she is polyonymous, she has lots of names." Michael P. Clark; Revenge of the Aesthetic: The Place of Literature in Theory Today; University of California Press; 2000.

"The Antonine dynasty polyonymous senator whose names included 'Velleius Blaesus'." Anthony Birley; Marcus Aurelius; Routledge; 2000.

This week's theme: words to describe people.


Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it. -Donald Knuth, computer scientist (1938- )

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