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A.Word.A.Day--priapism(PRI-uh-piz-em)![]() noun: Persistent, usually painful erection of the penis, especially as a consequence of disease and not related to sexual arousal. [French priapisme, from Late Latin priapismus, from Greek priapismos, from priapizein, to have an erection, from Priapos, Priapus, the Roman god of procreation, guardian of gardens and vineyards, and personification of the erect phallus.]
"The urologist also warned of a small but real danger of priapism--a
painful, ongoing erection that threatens permanent damage and must be
treated at an emergency room." This week's theme: Words related to the human body, its actions and conditions
X-BonusThere are some things so serious you have to laugh at them. -Niels Henrik David Bohr, chemist and physicist (1885-1962)
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