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Today's Word

Yesterday's Word




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progenitor (pro-JEN-i-tuhr) noun

1. A direct ancestor.

2. An originator of a line of descent; a precursor.

3. An originator; a founder.

[Middle English progenitour, from Old French progeniteur, from Latin progenitor, from progenitus, past participle of progignere, to beget : pro-, forward. + gignere, gen-, to beget.]

"By treason, falsehood and by treachery, Our great progenitors had conquered?" Shakespeare, William, King Henry VI, Part I: Act V, Scene IV.

This week's theme: words about relations.


All speech, written or spoken, is a dead language, until it finds a willing and prepared hearer. -Robert Louis Stevenson [Reflections and Remarks on Human Life](1850-1894)

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