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wroth (roth) adjective

Extremely angry.

[From Middle Middle English, from Old English wrath. Ultimately from Indo-European root wer- (to turn or bend) that is also the progenitor of words such as wring, weird, writhe, worth, revert, and universe.]

See more usage examples of wroth in Vocabulary.com's dictionary.

"The movie has taken some flak for ethnic stereotyping... I can't wax too wroth, though, since the 'victims' themselves do most of the stereotyping."
Ben Steelman; Harmless 'Shark Tale' Moves Along Swimmingly; Morning Star (Wilmington, North Carolina); Oct 2, 2004.

"Humans said to their PDAs, 'Heat my house, for I am on my way home... Get my broker out of the shower, or the flushing place, and tell him that I am wroth!'"
Christopher Buckley; Wireless Shrugged; Time (New York); May 29, 2000.

This week's theme: Words to describe people


The most perfect technique is that which is not noticed at all. -Pablo Casals, cellist, conductor, and composer (1876-1973)

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