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Aug 2, 2018
This week’s themeWords that appear to be coined by flipping the letter p This week’s words binnacle bollard bathophobia baragnosis boodle Roll the dice Get a random word from A.Word.A.Day archives A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargbaragnosis
noun: Loss of the ability to sense weight.
From Greek baros (weight) + a- (not) + gnosis (knowledge). Earliest
documented use: 1921. A synonym is abarognosis, antonym barognosis.
The p-headed word is paragnosis
(knowledge that cannot be obtained by normal means).
“Now that I know you have baragnosis, honey -- those jeans do make you
look fat.” Ad; The New York Times; Apr 20, 2007. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is
because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with
pain. -James Baldwin, writer (2 Aug 1924-1987)
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