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Mar 18, 2005
This week's themeWords related to the number eleven This week's words undecennary elevenses hendecagon eleventh hour hendecasyllabic This week's comments AWADmail 157 Next week's theme Words to describe people A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Garghendecasyllabic(hen-dek-uh-si-LAB-ik)
adjective: Having eleven syllables. [From Latin hendecasyllabus, from Greek hendekasyllabos, from hendeca- (eleven), from hen, neuter of heis (one) + deka (ten), + syllabic.] Read Alfred, Lord Tennyson's Hendecasyllabics.
"There are those long, elaborate, beautifully balanced sentences, with
their trailing clusters of dependent clauses, frequently so arranged
as to reproduce the characteristic hendecasyllabic rhythms of Italian
"If he were alive today, the great Roman poet, Catullus, master of the
hendecasyllabic metre, would likely be front and centre in the savage
war on words and the importance of hourly grammar drills in the Alberta
education system." X-BonusThere is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882) |
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