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May 23, 2022
This week’s themeWords that sound dirty (but aren’t) This week’s words nudum pactum titubation twattle cock of the walk penetralia Cartoon: Wela Quan Previous week’s theme Unusual synonyms A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargA nudum pactum is an unenforceable agreement, not a pact made by people who call themselves naturists. The word is more related to the bar than to bare. Although, etymologically speaking, there’s some baring going on. The rest of the words we feature this week have the same premise. They may appear titillating, but there’s nothing to titter about. Other than their fallacious sounds, they are perfectly serviceable words, an asset to anyone’s vocabulary. If you don’t receive one or more words this week, chances are it’s your school or corporation email nanny trying to protect you from these corrupting words. nudum pactum
noun: An unenforceable contract, one that’s void because of lack of consideration (something of value promised in exchange).
From Latin nudus (bare) + pactum (pact). Earliest documented use: 1603.
“Of course, if they’re what you can’t have, they’re without value and
your bargain is nudum pactum.” John D. Casey; Testimony and Demeanor; Knopf; 1979. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
A house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as
the body. -Margaret Fuller, author, critic, and women's rights advocate (23
May 1810-1850)
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