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This week's theme: a medley of words.

palisade (pal-uh-SADE) noun

1. A fence of stakes forming a defense.

2. A line of steep cliffs, especially along a river.

verb tr.

To fortify with palisades.

[From French palissade, Latin palus (stake). Ultimately from Indo-European root pag- (to fasten) that is also the source of peace, pacify, pact, travel, compact, pagan, and peasant.]

See more usage examples of palisade in Vocabulary.com's dictionary.

-Anu Garg (garg AT wordsmith.org)

"Another stake in the protectionist palisade is being erected around European steelmaker Arcelor, subject of a 18.6 billion euro hostile take over bid by Indian billionaire Lakshmi Mittal." Paul Maidment; Luxembourg Rejects Mittal's Plan For Arcelor; Forbes (New York); Jan 2006.


A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers. -Robert Quillen, journalist and cartoonist (1887-1948)

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