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Feb 1, 2017
This week’s themeWords borrowed from Yiddish This week’s words verklempt yentz potch futz schmatte On your calendar Get A.Word.A.Day on your calendar A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargpotch
verb tr.: To slap or spank. noun: A slap or spanking. ETYMOLOGY:
From Yiddish patshn (to slap), of imitative origin. Earliest documented
use: 1892.
“There are two schools of thought on the subject of potching. The first
is that parents should never potch, no matter what was done and regardless
of the circumstances.” Dovid Kaplan; Polishing Diamonds: Bringing Out the Sparkle in Our Children; Hamodia; 2005. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
I tire so of hearing people say, / Let things take their course. / Tomorrow
is another day. / I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. / I cannot live
on tomorrow's bread. -Langston Hughes, poet and novelist (1 Feb 1902-1967)
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