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Nov 30, 2004
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with Anu Garg


(vet) Pronunciation RealAudio

verb tr.: 1. To examine: to check for validity, accuracy or authenticity.
2. To subject to veterinary care.
noun: Veterinarian; veterinary.
Shortening of veterinarian.

noun: Veteran: a soldier, especially one who has fought in a war.
Shortening of veteran.

Why is it that to doctor a document is to falsify it, but to vet it is to check it for its accuracy?

"Commonwealth Press Union New Zealand chairman Gavin Ellis said 'the suggestion that journalists should give up their copy to judges for vetting is totally unacceptable.'"
Judge Says Checks on Journalists Won't Be Abused; New Zealand Herald (Auckland); Nov 12, 2004.

"The bills will then be sent to India's finance and law ministries to vetted before being put before the president for his approval."
India on Track For Biggest Tax Revamp; Gulf Daily News (Bahrain); Nov 3, 2004.

See more usage examples of vet in Vocabulary.com's dictionary.


There's a schizoid quality to our relationship with animals, in which sentiment and brutality exist side by side. Half the dogs in America will receive Christmas presents this year, yet few of us pause to consider the miserable life of the pig -- an animal easily as intelligent as a dog -- that becomes the Christmas ham. -Michael Pollan, professor and writer (1955- )

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