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May 1, 2002
This week's theme
Words borrowed from Yiddish

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with Anu Garg


(ZAF-tik, -tig) Pronunciation

adjective: Full-figured, pleasingly plump, buxom.

[From Yiddish zaftik (juicy), from Middle High German (saftec), from saft (juice), from Old High German saf (sap).]

"The generational conflict is set off between the blossoming Ana (America Ferrera), a Mexican-American teenager who has a chance to attend Columbia University on a scholarship, and her mother, Carmen (Lupe Ontiveros), who is determined that Ana follow convention and go to work with her in a Los Angeles sweatshop. Carmen's blithe cruelty comes out of love; she's ashamed of her daughter's zaftig figure and whittles away at Ana before the entire world."
Elvis Mitchell; Full Figured and Ready to Fight; The New York Times; Mar 22, 2002.


And the day came when the risk to remain closed in a bud became more painful that the risk it took to blossom. -Elizabeth Appell, writer

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