AWADmail Issue 396
January 31, 2010
A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and Language
From: Anu Garg (words at
Subject: Interesting stories from the net
Foreign Languages Fade in Class -- Except Chinese
The New York Times
At the End of the Day, Australians Just Hate Cliches
Sydney Sunday Telegraph
From: Anu Garg (words at
Subject: Combining combining forms to form words
In this week's invitation to form words using given combining forms, for some reason theodactyl struck a chord with many readers. Read on for a selection of the coinages:
Oligodactyl: having fewer toes or fingers than normal, i.e., after using a table saw
Theodactyl: the finger of God -- an F5 tornado
-Nancy Parker (nparker4
Having worked in travel for a good chunk of my life, an obvious synonym
for many travel agents (particularly here in the often grey UK) would
be heliopolists.
That said, knowing from thousands of people's feedback over the years
that the sun is not always what they truly seek (despite perhaps their
believing to the contrary), I do like to think that 'travellers', rather
than 'holiday-makers', are rather more anthropolatric -- finding the answers
to their 'big questions' in the kindness and wisdom of other human beings
from far-flung lands and cultures, rather than from a sunbed reading the
latest Dan Brown.
-Dan Green (Dan.Green
Heliotheodactylatry: Worshipping the fingers and the toes of the sun god
(that is, rays of the sun), not to be confused with sunbathing. It's a
real thing, observe the eastward facing fenestration of some churches.
-Jon Beardsley (jon.s.beardsley
Theodactyl: the focal point of Michelangelo's Creation of Adam.
-Faldage, via Wordsmith Talk bulletin board
Theopoly: religion for hire; organized religion
-Thomas Green (tagreen97
Theophagy: (god eating), relating to the Eucharist and similar rites.
-Jeff Turner (jturner
Theodactyl: Medieval class of representations of assumption of deities or saints,
in which feet can be seen disappearing into clouds. Also, conversely,
in which fingers of god reach down, point, or hand down instructions.
-Sheila Michaels (shemichaels
Oligotheolatry: the worship of only a few gods.
"People who have trouble keeping track of the Roman Pantheon should choose
a more oligtheolatrous religion -- Christianity's "Triune God" might be
a good start." -- translated from a fragment of propaganda from the reign
of Constantine, circa 314.
-Allen Foster (allen
Heliodactyl: having sunburned toes from wearing flip flops without sunscreen.
-Marilynn Hart (msh1542
Theodactylatry: A devoted fixation on the place on the Sistine Chapel
ceiling where God's finger touches that of man.
-Nancy Wilson (wilsonna
Heliodactyl: (sun-fingers) Like rays of sunlight shining through partial
clouds or foliage. In the depths of the redwood forest, Roland was cheered
by the heliodactyl light piercing the mist.
-Allison Hershey (alliefiona
Email of the Week (Email of the Week)
Theogony: origin of gods
Oligogony: the very beginning
Artiogony: the number 2
Heliogony: the Big Bang
Hagiogony: martyrdom
Theopoly: selling of idols
Oligopoly: a failing business
Artiopoly: a lottery
Heliopoly: a tanning salon
Hagiopoly: trading in relics
Theodactyl: acting as the hands and feet of God
Oligodactyl: having fewer fingers or toes than normal
Artiodactyl: having an even number of fingers or toes
Heliodactyl: having unusually warm hands or feet
Hagiodactyl: a saint's relic consisting of finger or toe bones
Theolatry: worship of gods
Oligolatry: worship of the simple life
Artiolatry: worship of even numbers
Heliolatry: sun worship
Hagiolatry: worship of the saints
Theography: the writings of gods, or about gods
Oligography: writing haiku
Artiography: writing of sonnets
Heliography: the path of the sun across the sky
Hagiography: a biography of a saint
-Becky Becker (bbecker001
From: James Miller (millnjam
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--oligopoly
Def: A market condition in which there are few sellers.
There is a housing development not far from here that has been delayed for
quite some time. The company started several houses, but ran out of money
(and out of town) after constructing only the basements. The only growth
we've seen as a result is blackberry brambles. I think I will rename it
"Oligop". (There are a few cellars and a few briars.)
From: Cygnis Black (snookeroo_
Subject: Oligopoly
I was able to use this word today when writing my congressional
representative about opposing the Comcast-NBC merger, which I learned
about at
Definitely a useful word in today's world.
From: Graham Sutton (grahams99
Subject: oligopoly
Many years ago, I visited a young lady classmate who was engaged to a
bright young economist. He was a bit prickly, maybe wrongly suspecting me
of trying to steal his girl, and when he heard that I'd studied a bit of
economics he quizzed me: "Okay, what's an oligopoly?"
I explained that this was better known as a cartel. There are few suppliers,
and on one level they are in competition. But they also collude to protect
their mutual interests, the tobacco industry being a powerful example.
He was satified, we remained on good terms, and he was deservedly appointed
professor. Alas, there was later a minor scandal when that lady now his
wife ran off to Switzerland. Er, um, with me.
From: Ted McNamara (tedmcn22
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--oligopoly
Given this week's theme, we might linguistically atom smash some
monosyllables together and get one big roly-poly, polysyllabic, new word.
polypoly-polysony = a free market. (pronounced: polly-poly-polly-sony)
From: Sander Smith (alexander.smith
Subject: Oligo-
Your assertion that these combining forms only occur in combination with some
other form is not entirely true for 'oligo'. Oligo is used very commonly in
molecular biology as a noun, meaning a short stretch of DNA. Admittedly,
it originally was an abbreviation of oligonucleotide, but is has become
a noun in its own right.
From: Sarah Festger (sarahfestger
Subject: artiodactyl
Def: Having an even number of toes on each foot.
Since I lost two toes on one foot (even number) and three toes (odd number)
on the other, I figure I am ambidactyl!
From: James Miller (millnjam
Subject: artiodactyl
He had four toes, useful and tactile;
He was cool with it, 's a matter of fact he'll
Often proclaim
"Tho' Arthur's my name,
Call me Artie--Artie O'Dactyl."
From: Rama Kulkarni (drramakulkarni
Subject: heliolatry
Def: Worship of the sun.
The yoga exercise Surya namaskaar (sun salutation) would be a form of
heliolatry, wouldn't it?
From: Peirce Hammond (peirce_hammond
Subject: heliolatry
How can we not worship the sun? It is the source of our energy: beneficial
rays, food production, keeping us comfortably warm, and our principal
initial source of timekeeping. A wonder? No wonder!
From: Adam Prine (adam.prine
Subject: heliolatry
I was inspired to comment to a friend in Iowa, who had posted on her Facebook
page that she was "going to tan" that she was still practicing heliolatry,
then realized that, in January in Iowa, she is practicing faux-heliolatry!
From: Willard Palmer (bill
Subject: hagiography
Def: 1. A biography of a saint. 2. An uncritical biography, treating its subject with undue reverence.
Aleister Crowley called his autobiography an autohagiography.
He felt that his prominent position as the self-proclaimed "Beast" of
Revelations qualified him as a saint, albeit an evil one.
From: George Pajari (george
Subject: combining forms
A disease I'm terrified of -- you could say, I suffer from
From: David Goldberg (goldberg
Subject: Combining forms
This week's theme recalls the word-game I learned as "monolithic biavicide"
(killing two birds with one stone), which some learned friends and I
worked on many years ago. We created a list of about 40 latined and
greeked aphorisms. You can google for it and find a few versions of the
list, at least one bowdlerized.
A few representative creations:
Felinolingual seizure: cat got your tongue
Chronopantraumatherapy: time heals all wounds
Vitrodomopetrojection: throwing a stone from a glass house
Xanthogaster: yellowbelly
Postovular gallinomics: counting your chickens after they hatch
From: Ron Frazier (ronfraz
Subject: Lego artwork
See what else you can do with Lego blocks, besides build words!:
Nathan Sawaya, a 36-year-old former lawyer, has stunned the world with
his incredible LEGO artworks.
From: Allison Taylor (m.allison.taylor
Subject: Wikiwalking in the last week's comments (Re: AWADmail 395)
I've actually seen this played as a game among groups of friends with
laptops: one person gives the others a pair of topics on Wikipedia, and
whoever can go from A to B the quickest wins. This game of distractions is
itself a very good distraction from whatever you're supposed to be doing
with those laptops -- like studying for your finals!
Standard English is a convenient abstraction, like the average man.
-George Leslie Brook, English professor, author (1910-1987)