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AWADmail Issue 772A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and LanguageSponsor’s Message: We’re a 100% American, proudly-independent (some would say quixotic and recalcitrant) design studio, so spring is our favorite holiday, if you know what we mean. “Old’s Cool” sums up our philosophy of life in a neat little turn of phrase -- old school with a shot of wry, served neat. In that spirit, we’re offering this week’s Email of the Week winner, Steve Glass (see below), as well as all rebels, renegades, disrupters, and dreamers everywhere 19% off everything in store -- through midnight Monday only. BUY into “Old’s Cool” NOW -- and be sure to use coupon code “easterbunny”.
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
A Jordan Bookseller’s 24-Hour “Emergency Room for the Mind”
The Elements of Bureaucratic Style
From: Buddy Gill (e-rgill2 juno.com) I cannot think of Orpheus and Eurydice without remembering the award-winning film, Black Orpheus, in which that tragic love story is set in the context of a favela in Rio de Janeiro during Carnaval.
Buddy Gill, Black Mountain, North Carolina
From: Andrew Pressburger (andpress sympatico.ca) The eighteenth-century opera by Christoph Willibald Gluck, Orfeo ed Euridice, is a typical rococo take on the original story. In it the deus-ex-machina appearance of Amore, Goddess of Love, makes for a happy ending in which the lovers’ abiding love is allowed to reunite them in happy harmony, despite the mutual desire they had mistakenly succumbed to at the first try of exiting Hades. Jacques Offenbach’s operetta a century later mercilessly satirizes this saccharine version of the actual myth. What both works share in common though is the delightful music that supersedes the two composers’ respective agenda.
Andrew Pressburger, Toronto, Canada
From: Steven Stine (scstine1672 gmail.com) In popular culture, the animal associated with blind obedience is the lemming. Supposedly, these creatures follow each other over a cliff to mass suicide. The story, however, is based solely on a Disney nature “special” which we now know was a complete fabrication.
Steven Stine, Highland Park, Illinois
From: Steve Glass (steve_glass pitzer.edu) Subject: Myrmidons Whether or not the Myrmidons belong primarily to mythology, history, or a blend of both is a matter long discussed and long unresolved. Does Homer’s Iliad record, however inventively, historical events? Achilles and his Myrmidons appear in Homer’s “Catalogue of Ships” in Book II of the Iliad. Is that “Catalogue” in any way a dependable historical document as it is often claimed? As the multi-lingual scholarship on these questions remains unceasing to this day, the assumption that Myrmidons belong strictly or mainly to the world of mythology is no more than that: an assumption.
Stephen L. Glass, John A. McCarthy Professor Emeritus of Classics & Classical
Archaeology, Pitzer College: The Claremont Colleges, Claremont, California
From: Hope Schneider (alimhope1 netzero.net) Shouldn’t the etymology mention that the word means “without breast”, and the story that goes with it: That women warriors would cut off a breast to keep it from impeding a drawn bowstring -- even though that may be just a story?
Hope Schneider, Greenfield, Massachusetts
The etymology of the word is uncertain. There are many conjectures
but there’s no evidence of such a practice. Amazons have been depicted
with both breasts in works of art. -Anu Garg ![]() ![]() Amazon preparing for the battle
By Pierre-Eugene-Emile Hebert, 1860
From: John Duray (durayj gmail.com)
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without
evidence. -Christopher Hitchens, author and journalist (13 Apr 1949-2011)
Attribution of Thursday’s quotation to Christopher Hitchens may not be supported with sufficient evidence. I believe he is credited with translation of the Latin maxim: Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur.
Jack Duray, Grand Junction, Colorado
From: Graham Sutton (grahams99 tesco.net) Muse: in Athens this is often rendered into English as “mouse”. So on a fine spring day you can sit among wild flowers on the Hill of the Mouse, looking across at the Parthenon, and muse on whether dance, theatre, mousic, and so on all had their own presiding Mouse.
Graham Sutton, West Yorks, UK
From: Stephen Posey (stephenlposey earthlink.net) It might aMUSE folks to know there is a series of streets in New Orleans devoted to the nine muses, in order along St. Charles Ave. starting at Lee Circle.
Stephen Posey, Hixson, Tennessee
From: Alex McCrae (ajmccrae277 gmail.com)
For Salvador Dali, wife and confidant, Gala, was his muse. She was portrayed
in numerous guises, noted personages of both ancient myth and world history,
from Leda to the Madonna. Dali once proclaimed, “I love Gala more than
my mother, better than my father, better than Picasso, and even better
than money.”
Here’s my take on a beaming amazon warrior princess meeting the online
mega-retail outlet Amazon. Curiously, I discovered that that upswept abstract
orange arrow in the Amazon logo is symbolic of the smile of satisfaction
the Amazon customer flashes in happily shopping on their website... and
in this cartoony take, that very arrow incorporated as the broad smiling
countenance of my amazon femme fatale.
Alex McCrae, Van Nuys, California
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) The text in the right box is an anagram of the text in the left.
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
She was blonde with a shape ectomorphic.
As Hamlet reflects on poor Yorick,
There’s a tale of a flutist from Norfolk,
In London, the Third Duke of Norfolk
The Count of Monte “Crisco” -- no kiddin’
At Nuremberg Trial each one
“Nemesis is mine” quoth a god
“I don’t mean to sound like a pessimist,”
Those powerful females are fine
A six-foot-six girl from Saskatchewan
I’ve a mischievous limerick muse
In church when you kneel in the pews
From: Phil Graham (pgraham1946 cox.net) The finale’s soaring crescendo gave me goose flesh. It was end orphic! Achilles told his troops, “Hush!”, but they myrmidon. When making a pun, let a homonym assis’. Toppled newscaster Paula said, “I overspent ‘cause I amazon.” “I have a muse that’s right up my alley,” said the Brit.
Phil Graham, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Did you know that the worldwide food shortage that threatens up to five
hundred million children could be alleviated at the cost of only one day,
only ONE day, of modern warfare. -Peter Ustinov, actor, writer and director
(16 Apr 1921-2004)
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