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Jan 12, 2009
This week's theme"New" words This week's words pneuma nugatory newel neuston nubilous Add your two cents' ... worth to this week's theme and words. Or, if you wish, use centimes, paise, pence, yen, lire, pesos, piasters, etc. Log on at our bulletin board Wordsmith Talk Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargA new year has begun and new things are in the offing around the world. In the US, we eagerly await a new president to assume office, a week from now. In AWAD, we'll mark the new year with new words. Well, they aren't really that new, they just sound new. This week we'll feature five words that begin with the "new" sound. pneuma
(NOO-muh, NYOO-)
Spirit, soul.
From Greek pneuma (breath, wind, spirit). Ultimately from the Indo-European
root pneu- (to breathe) that is also the source of pneumatic, pneumonia,
apnea, sneer, sneeze, snort, and snore.
"Eva Mendes is publicizing the new release The Spirit (oh, yes, even the
pneuma needs a publicist in this age)."Tirdad Derakhshani; 'Phantom' Sequel is Near; The Philadelphia Inquirer; Dec 31, 2008. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Memories are interpreted like dreams. -Leo Longanesi, journalist and editor (1905-1957)
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