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Feb 4, 2011
This week's themeWords derived from the names of places This week's words gasconade milliner helot spartan verdigris
Verdigris on the Statue of Liberty
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with Anu Gargverdigris
(VUHR-di-grees, -gris, -gree)
A bluish-green patina formed on copper, brass, and bronze when exposed to
air or water for a long time.
From Old French verte grez, corruption of vert de Grece (green of Greece). It was earlier used
as a pigment by artists. The Greek connection is not clear. Earliest
documented use: 1336.
"The time capsule, made of copper, showed the verdigris of age."Jacqueline L. Urgo; Time Capsule Reveals 1936 Atlantic City; The Philadelphia Inquirer; Jul 14, 2010. See more usage examples of verdigris in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Perhaps the best cure for the fear of death is to reflect that life has a beginning as well as an end. There was a time when you were not: that gives us no concern. Why then should it trouble us that a time will come when we shall cease to be? To die is only to be as we were before we were born. -William Hazlitt, essayist (1778-1830)
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